Toaplan Wiki

Mahjong Sisters (麻雀シスターズ) is an arcade strip mahjong game developed by Toaplan and released in 1986 for arcades.


Mahjong Sisters plays much like other mahjong simulators. The player can choose between three girls at the start of the game, with the game's main objective being to beat them at a mahjong match and get them undressed.

  • The eldest, Sayuri. Her hair color is blue, her skirt is green, and her feet are bare from the beginning.
  • Yukari, the second daughter. Her hair is pink and her skirt is blue. Her face is not so innocent for a second daughter, and she wears a garter belt on her legs.
  • Megumi, the third daughter. Her hair color is orange, her clothes and skirt are red, and she wears socks.

When a player's score is in the stream and the game is Tenpai, the following games will be played.

  • Undersea Game: A game in which the player has to guess the winning tile from 5 tiles.
  • Baseball Fist Game: Play Yakyuken. If the other player loses in the rock-paper-scissors game, an "ARE?" is played to indicate that you have won.


  • Unlike most of Toaplan's games, the credit counter is four digits instead of the usual two or one digits.